Buy Digital Assets securely

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Find a property

All marketplace properties have been analyzed and validated by our experts to ensure they are real.


Unlock the property

By unlocking the property, we give you access to fundamental business information and data.


Reserve the property

We ensure that the listed properties are good business opportunities and have fair value. If you find one that interests you, reserve it.


Purchase contract

You will be guided throughout the entire process, including after purchase. We will guide you step by step and simplify the bureaucracy.


Funds transfer

We use a method that guarantees that transactions are 100% safe for the buyer and the seller.


Receive your property

Seller receives email confirming that the operation has been completed and congratulating him on the sale.

What do our clients think

Thinking about buying digital assets? Discover why you should do it!

When you buy a digital property, you get more than just a website or YouTube channel. You might be wondering what a digital asset is? Or why you should invest in digital assets. It's easy, you are acquiring a business in progress, with a team of experts, defined processes, existing stock, suppliers, verified profitability and a loyal customer base. In short, you are buying a company.

Plus, you get peace of mind knowing the business is already set up and ready to go.

If you are looking for an easy way to get started in the world of digital properties or are tired of dealing with the discomfort and expense of setting up a website or channel from scratch, buying digital assets is definitely your best bet! If you've made it this far, you're ready to take the next step in your career as a digital entrepreneur. Sign up and get in touch with our brokers so we can help you find the perfect deal for your needs. In addition, you will have our support during the purchase process until the property is yours.

FAQs Buyers

The process is easy and safe. After registering on our marketplace, you can request information about the multiple digital assets. If any property exceeds the value of €30,000, you will have to carry out a funds check in which we will verify that you have a liquidity equal to or greater than the purchase price.

Once verified, you have to accept our Terms and Conditions, where you promise not to disclose the information received. You will receive the property URL, included assets and financial reports.

You will have a few days to evaluate the project and decide whether to buy it or not.

If you decide to proceed, make an offer to buy it and the seller must accept it.

Then the purchase process begins, which you can see reflected in the infographic in the upper section.

Every digital property listed on our marketplace has gone through a very thorough verification and validation process so you can be sure it's a profitable asset.

Therefore, investing in digital assets becomes a great opportunity if you intend to expand your investment portfolio or simply want to be a successful entrepreneur.

None, the process of buying digital assets is completely free for buyers. Our only commission is between 8% and 10% per transaction and is paid by the seller of the property, that is, our commission is already reflected in the prices you see in our marketplace.

One of the things that we take into account the most when doing business is privacy and transparency. This document helps us to verify that you are really interested in the project and that you are not going to share the information with third parties. The reason is simple, vendors put their business information in our hands, which is sensitive information if we speak from the point of data protection, therefore it is a way to protect the vendor.

Our business analysts will walk you through the entire purchase process, from when you start looking for a project to invest in, until you receive the business and the transaction is finished.

They will guide you at all times on which options are the best for you, as when it comes to investing in digital assets we must be very careful and choose based on your needs and skills.

Although we pre-audit all properties before they are published on Trustiu, if you want any additional information, we'll take care of it.

Depending on the digital property you are buying, the associated assets may vary. From human resources, stock, software, recurring customers, social media accounts, all types of fixed assets and much more.

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Invest in digital assets!

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