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Digital Marketing Glossary - Everything you need to know!

Whether you are starting out in the world of Digital Marketing or even if you already have years of experience you must have come across an immensity of terms and acronyms that sometimes you have no idea what they mean. This glossary serves precisely to help clarify what each of those terms mean and in what contexts they are commonly used.

Adwords - Also knowned as Google AdWords. It's a Google program that is used by advertisers to place their ads on SERPs, YouTube, and the entire Google network. Adwords is the leading network of advertisers. 

Adsense - It is also a Google platform that in this case allows the monetization of sites. Through this program you allow Google to put advertising on your website and with that you can generate money and monetize your project. 

Analytics - Usually this concept is always associated with Google Analytics and is no more than the tool Google makes available to measure all kind of metrics on a website. From the origin of visitors, their route on the website, their behavior, etc. 

Backlink - Sometimes we also refer to a backlink only as a link. Briefly this is a hyperlink from one site to another. The quantity and quality of backlinks are an important factor for the SEO of any website.

Banners - Are the images, videos, or animations (ads) you see on many websites. They exist in multiple formats and usually follow some rules. The most popular sizes are: 250 x 250; 300 x 250; 728x90; 300 x 600; 160 x 600. 

Black hat - A set of practices that are usually associated with unethical and often mass actions with the intention of improving the ranking of websites. 

Bounce rate - It is measured in percentage and corresponds to the number of visitors leaving the page / website immediately without having any interaction with it.

Browser - It is a program developed with the intention of allowing navigation between pages on the Internet. 

CTR (Click through rate) - Percentage of clicks on ads after viewing it. That is, if 1000 people see a page with 1 banner (1000 impressions) and only 10 click on the ad, that means there is a CTR of 1%.

CPA (Cost per lead) - It means the cost we have to capture a new lead. We can calculate this amount by dividing our budget for the acquisition of leads by the number of leads achieved with it.

CPM (Cost per mille) - Cost of every thousand impressions. It's the amount an advertiser pays to have their ad exposed in a thousand impressions.

Crawler - Briefly it is a software that scans all the websites of the internet. They serve to discover new content or parts of a website and realize its relevance to the index to which they are associated. That is, they discover a content and then evaluate the possibility of this content being indexed or not. They are used by search engines.

CTA (Call to action) - Any and every element on a page that takes the user to take an action. For example, "More info", "Buy".

Duplicate content - Refers to the same content that appears in two different places on the internet. It may be just a portion of text or an entire article. Duplicate content is usually associated with two situations. The first happens when someone copies the content of a third party and publishes it on his website, and this is considered plagiarism. The second situation, and not least, occurs when the same content appears repeated in two different parts of the same website. Both situations are very harmful in the eyes of Google.

Cookies - Cookies are files that temporarily store information about a user. These files allow you to know some user data, which makes it very useful for targeting campaigns. They are critical to remarketing campaigns.

Keyword Density - It is the number of times a particular keyword appears along a page taking into account the total number of words in it. It is usually expressed as a percentage. Example: In a text with 1200 words in which a keyword appears 12 times, we can say that this keyword has a density of 1%. 

Display Ads - Ad displayed in a network that can take many forms, image, video, audio. 

Dofollow - It is the term used to denote the absence of a "nofollow" attribute on a link. By default all links are usually "dofollow".. 

Domain - It is the primary URL of a site, meaning it is the primary address of a site. Example:

Ecommerce - It is the word used to refer to an online business. 

Featured Snippet - It is a quick response given by google, which is highlighted at the top of the SERP and has different formats. This response is part of content that Google deems relevant to a particular search. It is considered position 0 on the SERP. 

Sales funnel - Concept known as an inverted pyramid in which one tries to represent the different stages of the potential clients of a company. Three acronyms are used for three distinct stages of the funnel; Tofu (Top of the funnel), Mofu (Middle of the funnel) and Bofu (Bottom of the funnel). Depending on the stage of the funnel in which the potential customer is found, different marketing strategies should be used.

Impressions - Refers to the number of times a particular ad was served. 

Inbound marketing - It is a marketing concept in which it is assumed that is the customer that arrives to the company and not the company that seeks it. For this to happen the company uses various strategies being the main the Content Marketing. It is assumed that it is necessary to establish a relationship with the customer before the sale takes place.

Index - It usually refers to the number of pages Google has stored to show in their results. This concept is often confused with Ranking, however they are totally different things. 

Indexed - It is the expression normally used to refer to the fact that Google has indexed some of our pages, which means that from now on that page may already start to appear in Google results. 

Keyword - As the name implies is the concept used to refer to the main themes of a particular page. It is one of the most important factors in SEO. 

KPI’s (Key performance indicators) -  These are the indicators that a company or individual uses in their strategy. They serve to measure and analyze the success of certain actions and may be different depending on what you want to measure..

Landing Page - They are all the pages where the user arrives after clicking on a link. Most of the time this concept is associated to leads acquisition, since it is normal to create landing pages only for this purpose.

Lead - Potential customer that at some stage of the funnel interacted with the company. 

Internal links - These are the links that exist within a website that point to other parts of that website.

Long tail keyword - This is a more specific keyword and usually always consists of more than three words. Example: "How to get a buyer to my website". They are almost always keywords with less demand but also with more enlightened intentions. 

Content marketing - Content creation strategy that aims to attract future customers through the consumption of those same contents.

Search engine - It is a software that searches the database for the best possible results for a given query. Google is the best known. 

NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) - It is the acronym used to refer to local quotes. Something very important when we want to build authority at the local SEO level. 

Nofollow - It is the attribute that is put in a link with the purpose of transmitting to crawler that this link should not have the same preponderance at the level of SEO that a link "dofollow". 

Organic traffic - It is the designation for a traffic source that in this case refers to all visits that have an origin from a click on an unpaid search result. It is the main metric to take into account when we talk about SEO. 

Paid traffic - It is also a designation for a traffic source but in this case it refers to all types of clicks that arise as a consequence of a campaign, be it through Adwords, Facebook Ads, etc. 

Referall traffic - It's all the traffic that comes up as a reference of other websites. It's like a recommendation from others to our website. 

Social traffic - All the traffic that is originated in an organic way through social networks, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. 

Traffic sources - They are all types of traffic coming to our site. Organic, Paid, Social, Referall, Direct. The ideal of any project is to have as much direct traffic as possible, which means that users already know the site and enter directly into the website by writing the URL in the Browser. 

Google Search Console (Old Webmaster Tools, WMT) - It's a free tool that google makes available to webmasters. Through this tool we can analyze and measure different metrics (CTR, Impressions, Clicks, Kw's position, Number of pages indexed, etc.) and also detect some tracking errors. 

Visit - This is an access to a website and the same visitor can make more than one visit on the same site and the same day. For example, Google considers that each session / visit lasts at most 30 minutes, so if a visitor enters a site in the morning and rejoins that site in the afternoon, two visits are counted. 

Users or visitors- It is the user who interacts with a site during a visit. In this case we are talking about the individual. 

New visitor - It is the visitor that until that moment had never entered the site. 

PBN (Private Blog Network) - They are a set of websites or private blogs that are linked together. The main purpose of this practice is to manipulate the search results of search engines by capturing multiple backlinks. 

Page views - Number of pages viewed by a visitor. A visitor can view more than one page. 

PPC (Pay per click) - It's an online ad model where advertisers pay for each click, as the name itself indicates. 

Ranking - This is where a particular page is positioned for a given search. This concept is always associated with search engines like Google. The ranking is taken into account for a certain keyword which means that one page may be well positioned for one keyword and for another to be worse positioned.

Redirect - It is the method that is used to redirect a user through more than an URL without it having to take any action. There are several types of redirects with 301 being the most known. 

Remarketing or Retargeting - These are a type of campaigns where advertisers show their ads to users who have previously interacted with their website. This process is done with the help of Cookies.

ROI (Return on investment) - It's nothing less than the difference between what you spend and what you get with different marketing strategies. For a business to have a positive ROI it must earn more than what it spends. 

Query -  It is the term that is used when we want to refer to the words that a user puts in a search engine. Example: "Buy site on Trustiu". 

SEO - It means Search Engine Optimization and are all strategies, methods and techniques that are carried out with the goal of improving the organic positioning of a website or pages in the search engines. 

SEM - It means Search Engine Marketing and they are also all the strategies that aim the disclosure of a site in the search engines, being these strategies usually associated with paid campaigns. SEM and SEO should go together and are complementary strategies.

SERP - It means, Search Engine Result Page, that is, it is the page that shows the results for a particular search. 

Segmentation - A process that consists in segmenting an audience with the objective of impacting it with some content, advertisement, etc.. 

Sitemap - It is a page of a website or a file that shows all the pages that a search engine can see from that same site. It's a very useful tool that helps search engines and users better understand where all the content on the site is divided.

Short tail keyword or Top tail keyword - These are more general and short keywords that are usually very comprehensive. Example "Sell website". They are usually also harder to work with and get good ranking. 

URL - It means Uniform Resource Locator and it's what we call the address of a page. 

White hat - It is the term used in digital marketing to denominate an ethical practice. That is, it is the opposite of Black hat. 

Most used words, acronyms and concepts on Trustiu:

Monetization - When we say that a site or project is monetized means that in a way this site is making money. That is, monetization is the way a business makes money and there are several monetization models (AdSense, Affiliates, Subscriptions, etc). 

Affiliates - We can say that affiliates are like representatives of a brand or product that make money by the disclosure and sale of that same product. Affiliates receive a commission for each goal they perform, such as generating a lead, a sale, etc.. 

SaaS - Software as a Service, this is what this acronym stands for. It is a program that does not necessarily have to be installed on the computer and that allows to enjoy a certain service. They can be free or paid. (Ex: Gmail, Zendesk, Dropbox)

CMS - Content Management System. Through this system we can for example manage the contents of a website. Among the most popular CMS's are WordPress and Joomla.

WordPress - As already mentioned it is a CMS and is one of the most used tools for the creation of websites and blogs.

FBA - Fulfillment by Amazon, it is probably the best-known outsourcing of the fulfillment process, which in this case is operated by Amazon. 

SimilarWeb - It is one of the most well-known website data tracking companies. Through SimiliarWeb we can analyze the ranking that this company assigns to a website, this being usually the first approach to the metrics of a site.

Selling multiple or just multiple - If you enter in Trustiu Marketplace you will see that all properties have a selling multiple. This multiple serves to put a sale price on a property, and means that the property is for sale for X times its monthly revenue. For example, a property for sale for € 24,000 with a monthly revenue of € 1,000 means that it has a selling multiple of 24 times. This means, if you maintain those metrics it will take you 24 months to recover your investment.

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